Hi guys.

Remember when Pelosi tore up the SOTU on Feb 4?

That was 4 days AFTER @realDonaldTrump declared the coronavirus a public health emergency, & just 2 days before he was acquitted from the impeachment scam.

So... Why are Dems blaming POTUS for not taking the virus srsly?
January 31, 1 month after China reported the virus to the WHO, @realDonaldTrump announced travel restrictions & suspended US entry for foreign nationals at risk of transmitting the coronavirus.

The CDC even had a team waiting to enter China while waiting on CCP to let them in!
Meanwhile, Pelosi & her fellow pompous Dems were too absorbed in their impeachment sham to see outside their own asses and realize American lives were (and are) at stake!

On FEB 24, Pelosi was frolicking through Chinatown, televised encouraging ppl not to take the virus srsly.
So why is Pelosi now blaming @realDonaldTrump for the coronavirus?

And hey, remember when ALL OF THESE other Dems downplayed the virus while Trump took it extremely seriously?

I do.

https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1245385767729463297?s=20 https://twitter.com/tomselliott/status/1245385767729463297
We’re now 103 DAYS past @realDonaldTrump’s declaration of a public health emergency. NEW data shows we’ve done our part to flatten the curve.

Trump is now being criticized for easing the lockdown. Americans are concerned about the economy & not being able to feed their families.
So why is it that now, when our data shows our hospitals will no longer be overwhelmed, Dems are EXTENDING lockdowns for THREE MORE MONTHS (Los Angeles County) in zones with some of the LEAST amount of cases and deaths??

And hey, remember when Dem leaders forced nursing homes to take in Covid positive patients (New York, Pennsylvania, etc)?

And remember when every major news outlet reported that the MAJORITY of Covid related deaths were from nursing homes?

... But it’s STILL Trump’s fault? 🤔
Wake up.

The tactic of the left has ALWAYS been to provoke fear, sew division, & take advantage of sleeping Americans by inundating them with FAKE NEWS.

Remember your FACTS, your RIGHTS, and do your RESEARCH.

We don’t need anyone to “save” us, but I’m sure glad we have Trump!
/end thread
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