Manafort released. But Yusef still locked up. He's served 25 years. Been in since he was 16. He's 41 now. Should have been resentenced 5 years ago. Lost 4 friends already to COVID, now running rampant in Michigan prisons. Highest death toll in country. Why is he still in prison?
Manafort released. But Anthony Swain still jailed pretrial in Miami jail on bail he can't afford. Been there for 3 years. Not convicted. Now positive for COVID. Paraplegic. Now hospitalized. Why is he still in jail?
Manafort released early. But Sue Farrell, who already served 30 years, suffocated to death as friends banged on the cells to get the attention of the guards to no avail. For her, nothing. Why was she still in prison?
Manafort released early due to COVID concerns. But Charles Hobbs DIED early because of COVID. Jailed for failure to update his address on the sex offender registry for decades old crime. He was homeless. No address. Wouldn't release him. Bc no address.
Manafort released early, but Jody Hill, an innocent trans woman imprisoned for 20 years in a male facility in Michigan and subjected to unimaginable horrors & violence still caged. Why is she still in prison?
Manafort released bc of COVID risk. But Andrew Pete cannot breath in Harris County, TX jail. Held pretrial. Coughing uncontrollably. Fevers. Threw him in solitary for complaining. Stands up to sleep to breathe. Snuck out a phone call from jail. His words: 
Manafort released. But I've heard voices of women stuck in quarantine, positive for COVID, terrified of dying, who can't get any one's attention. They made a pact that better to risk retaliation and speak out, than die in a cell from this disease. Why are they still in prison?
Manafort released early. But in NY, there are 5000+ people imprisoned right now for technical parole violations. Non-crimes. Like missing curfew. Cuomo won't lift a finger to release them. Why are they still in prison?
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