Some institutions planning for a fall in-person semester are allowing for *some* at risk faculty/students/staff to be online. This is messy. How do we decide who’s *at risk* enough to warrant that accommodation? What about the non at risk who are dying?
To be clear, I understand these choices are messy,m. I understand colleges are in trouble. Enrollment is suffering. BUT when we start gatekeeping based on health, things get bad, quick. Who’s life matters and who’s doesn’t gets really really ugly. It won’t go well.
Also, a seemingly *healthy* person can be sharing a living situation with an incredibly at risk person. How do we regulate and evaluate these circumstances? Seems like a shit show to me.
Last, I want to make it CRYSTAL clear that this thread is not meant to indicate we shouldn’t protect our at risk faculty /staff /students. We should. My worry here is the splitting hairs of who “qualifies” as at risk, and the unsafe roll out of in-person classes for the rest.
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