Your morning reminder that mass death and unemployment are policy choices. They’re not inevitabilities. Congress could pass massive economic stimulus that keeps people working and solvent. States could choose to reopen safely rather than what many are doing now. (1/9)
These policy choices are largely driven by the Republican Party. You saw it in the congressional hearings yesterday. You see it with Republican Governors reopening without regard for safety. You see it in the daily White House briefings. (2/9)
The most critical thing we can do right now to save lives and the economy is beat Republicans. Not just for the White House and senate. For governor’s offices, state legislatures, county commissions, city councils... everything. (3/9)
This is the most impactful thing we can do as a country. Every major policy change that’s occurred since 2008 was either made worse by the Republican Party (see there public option) or has actively hurt people (see budget cuts, bathroom bills, deportation, and now Covid). (4/9)
This isn’t to say there aren’t significant fights to be had within the Democratic Party, or major problems to be solved in other sectors. It is to say that universally the Republican Party has done nothing to make the country a better place for most Americans. (5/9)
The only folks who’ve seen improved lives are super rich folks who saw their taxes go down. And, the economy from the beginning of Trump’s term was a continuation of the Obama economy that was created by some hard fought victories AGAINST Republicans. (6/9)
The sooner we get out of this mindset that we need political cooperation, the sooner that folks will realize that the true existential threat to the nation isn’t division, it’s one political party that will do literally anything to maintain power. (7/9)
Again, Democrats aren’t perfect. We have a lot of internal fights that need to be had. Some still deny the role that racism plays in daily life for so many, there’s a GOP free-market strain among many moderates, and we def sometimes get it wrong. (8/9)
But through our faults, Democrats continue to be the folks who give a shit. The ones who believe in science. The ones who believe the role of government is to support people. We won’t be able to get to the internal fights though until we win and win big at every level. (9/9)
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