Back in 2015 I took some courses at my local community college. The courses were: Philosophy, Sociology, and Astronomy. Out of the three courses I only passed Sociology with a C. Don't get me wrong, I love both Philosophy and Astronomy, but I was stupid and did not put in the
work needed to finish those courses. Regarding Philosophy, the reason why I did not pass the class despite participating in group discussions while in class, I did not do the online portion as we were required to go online and answer questions posed by the teacher. We were also
supposed to respond to other people's posts and give rebuttals to what they said. Mind you, doing that for everyone on every question would have been time consuming so we had to respond to at least two people. I answered some of the questions in the beginning of the course, but,
when hardly anyone responded to what I said, I stopped answering them. There were times some people responded to what I said so it was not like they never did. It was honestly a stupid reason for not doing the work. I always wanted to go back to college and take the course again.
Things got in the way these past five years and I was not able to go back to college. However, these five years were anything but a waste as I met a lot of interesting people who taught me so much about various topics. I feel more confident than ever to go back and finish my
degree. I know I'll have to put in the effort to pass the courses and I am prepared to do that. Taking online versions of the courses would go a long way to accomplishing what I need to do as I do not need to rely on people who quite freaking I never want to rely on ever again.
Too much of my life has been wasted relying on weak and pathetic people who, rather than build their son up to be independent, tore him down to keep him dependent on them while chastising him for not being successful and out of the house. I will never forgive them for what they
did to me. Once I am out of this house (and I will get out) I will never talk to them again. I do not care that they are family, I do not care that I owe them for existing. They should have treated me better over the years rather than making me feel like an outcast simply due to
my disability. They got a sick and twisted pleasure in believing themselves to be better than me due to not being disabled. It disgusts me to think that they don't see a person when they look at me: they see nothing but a servant; a weak person; someone who cannot do anything
for himself due to being disabled. How many times have they told me to my face that I could not survive on my own; that I would never make it on my own because I did not understand how the world worked, or questioned how I would take care of myself with my bad eyes.
Yeah, that's a way to talk to your son, you pathetic pieces of shit. You may have power over me for years and still have power now, it won't be for long. Every great empire will eventually fall and so shall you. I will break free from your infantilization and I shall be happy.
Also, I do not give a fuck if certain people see this thread and call is a M.A.T. If expressing myself gets me the label of autist, fine, I don't care. I am here to learn and grow. If some people don't see me as a friend, that's fine. I cannot wait for the fall semester.
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