You know, it strikes me (rather suddenly) that Lisa (quoted) has been telling us for YEARS that government overreach in medicine and the laws around it were out of control. She has been telling us (as long as I've known her and then some) that the government owns you.

I, personally, know that she's dedicated YEARS of her life to inform us all of this.

In what may be the saddest irony I've ever seen, if we had listened to her "then" and pushed back on this control, pushed back on what happened to her, maybe we could have avoided lockdowns.
The pure and simple fact that we let this injustice go unaddressed, instead of doing ANYTHING, at MINIMUM didn't inform the government that we wouldn't accept medical tyranny. That's the best case scenario.
Like nearly every other problem in life, if we'd dealt with it when it was small, it would have been easier. Now every state must protest, now ~35 million people have had lives and carrers destroyed.
That doesn't take away from Lisa's loss, but it's definitely the results of us "letting" this happen.

The sad truth of this? What happened to Lisa didn't affect everyone else. They/we thought "That would never happen to me".

Well, now it's happened to all of us.
Even worse, just like what happened to Lisa, the government has offered us a pittance for our sacrifices and now we're just begging them for a little more.

I would like to believe that we've all learned from this.
I would like to believe that when the lockdowns are over; people hearing about Lisa's story would be just as passionate to stop it as they are about their own lives being destroyed. I would like to hope that. I'm not sure that I do.

Take the lesson people:
“The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” – James Madison, Federalist 47, 1788
This is what we've, collectively, given Doctors the power to do and what's worse if we've created court systems that religiously enforce that power.
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