venus just stationed rx in gemini. look for clarity regarding romantic relationships, as well as general platonic or business partnerships. look to the house that gemini rules over in your chart for a more specific understanding of what aspect of your life may be impacted.-
for example, gemini rules my 4H. the 4H contains the imum coeli (ic), which is opposite the midheaven (mc). if mc represents work, ic represents family. this axis indicates the balance between the two.-
generally speaking, venus is currently in my 4H. the 4H, as it contains the ic, represents not only biological family, but your home (wherever/whoever that entails), place of origin, what you need in order to be comfortable with your environment or make your space feel like home-
venus stationed direct usually brings a softer edge to whatever house it is transiting; you see everything in that area of life with rose-colored glasses. venus entered gemini &, subsequently, my 4H on april 3. around this time, i was just getting adjusted to being back home (4H)
as i had been forced to leave college bc of the pandemic. everything in my romantic life (venus) was also going okay, all things considered.-
now, with venus rx in gemini until june 25, i can expect to re-assess not only everything having to do with romance & partnership (venus), but also everything having to do with my home, place of origins, & my family (4H, ic). i will be moving away from my childhood home back to-
philadelphia. i may expect to be made aware of how my current living circumstances at home (4H, ic) are not quite ideal for me, & also how moving back to philly may not be as smooth of a transition as i originally had been hoping for.-
during this time, venus in gemini will also move in & out of being trine my pisces ascendant (physical appearance), so i can expect to also reassess my personal style, my looks, & how i present myself to some degree. additionally, venus in gemini is going to be opposite my-
sagittarius mc (career, professionalism), which should also reveal to me some of the things i do or do not value or find fulfilling about my career. in the midst of a pandemic, & as someone with a career in public health, i should be prepared to see things become very ugly &-
difficult during venus rx. to sum up, as soon as venus entered my 4H, i became very set on what felt like home to me & what i wanted out of my romantic relationship. this venus rx should provide clarity on what exactly it is i truly need from these two areas of my life.-
venus transits put on the rose-colored glasses; venus rx rips them off.

if you read or enjoyed this thread, thank you.

happy venus rx ✨
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