Cool just replace me with someone youve known for two months when weve been friends for 4 years. Lie and tell me youre too busy for me when youre going behind my back and talking to people.
It feels so great to see you constantly saying "i love you" and "we're best friends" to them . Whens the last time you told me you loved me? Whens the last time you actually acted like my friend and cared for me and supported me even tho you claimed we were best friends?
All you do anymore is make me feel horrible. You forgot my 14th birthday. You replaced me with that random cosplayer two years back, made them a whole birthday drawing but couldnt be bothered to make me one. You promised wed do this and that but we never ever did. Now you
Replaced me again and im sitting here crying and sobbing over you while you could care less because your new "besties" are so much better than me lol. The amount of times ive sat there and listened to you cry about your life and ive done nothing but support you.
You never even checked up on me after my dad died. Never texted me. I always texted you first. We didnt drift naturally. You fucking replaced me and only cane back to me to cry about losing your friends, then you left me again. "Im too depressed to talk to people ive been having
Such a hard time" fucking bullshit i see you have a new best friend because im not important anymore. My dad left me forever i expected you to stay but no you left me too and i wonder why my abandonment issues suddenly felt so much worse in the past few months. Im so fucking hurt
I feel like i have absolutely nobody left besides my one friend who ive recently gotten in touch with. Im always the one checking up on you and asking how youre doing, you never care enough to reciprocate. Im nothing but a therapist to you. I hope you see this thread
And i genuinely hope you reflect on how bad youve treated me in the pst year. For a while i thought i deserved it but i really dont deserve any of this. I dont deserve to be used whenever you need to cry and then to be abandoned again until you want to use me once more. Im done
Dont even try playing victim this time. I am the fucking victim. Im the one who sobbed from 5-8am and broke a chair out of pure anger and sadness because you couldnt give two shits about me. IF I KILLED MYSELF YOU WOULDNT KNOW BECAUSE YOU DONT EVEN CARE ENOUGH TO TEXT ME
The amount of depression and planning of my own suicide i have went through over the past few months is so unhealthy and i fucking wish someone was there to help me get through it. You were never there. Not once did you ask how i was. I helped you when i was in my darkest times.
I had to get out of that shit all by myself without my "best friend" to help me out bc she was too busy with her new bestie to even be bothered to ask if i was okay. I made a post on my spam about cutting myself that you probably saw and fucking ignored. I dont want you anymore.
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