Canceling people for mildly bad takes instead of engaging in discourse is, in my opinion, the biggest indicator that people have little interest or training in critical thinking. Learning how to engage with different opinions in a mutual respecting way is important.
Now I am not saying that every bad opinion/ideology has to be taken with respect, fascism is bad no matter how many times you ponder it. I am saying that the reason why the left keeps splitting is that mutual understanding and often respecting disagreement is quite rare.
Once a person has found to be "problematic" they are often pushed onto the bad pile, together with literal fascists.
The next thing is that people, and definitely not just the right but especially the left, just love to take things out of context or even recontextualize statements into a worse frame.
Furthermore people on the left love to poke fun how split the left is but also falsely attributing this to "the left is just way more diverse in ideologies".
What I have to say to those here is: If you can't be with people that hold somewhat similar opinions how do you plan to execute this ideology with centrists? Overly seclusive leftisms are about as much of a loser ideology as fascism. Elitist leftism is unsustainable.
Analysing and pointing out flaws in ideology is all good, criticising people on the left is good. However "canceling" everybody that has things you disagree with only leaves people with milk-toast "we should just all love each other" opinions.
Sure the message isn't wrong or bad... but like... what is to gain from that message? Like... are we leftists just adult care bears? I'd love the world to be that simple but it isn't.
Lastly: No I am not saying that anarchist and tankies are the same, no I don't think every leftist is good, no matter how "problematic". But I think we should think about "they said something wrong 15 years ago [which they apologised for]" or "they are right but also bad optics"
I am also not saying that people have to be this critical thinking geniuses. I just want people to actually work together since this is the ONE thing that all leftism is about and we are failing at it spectacularly.
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