I completely agree - but I also think the cytokine storm causing increased monocyte transmigration, hyper co-agulability leading to micro infarcts, the hypoxia, the big swings in sodium and glucose metaobolism, may be the main drivers for #delirium here. (Sorry, another thread!) https://twitter.com/NathanStall/status/1259847351662981120
I am just not sure we can say the healthcare system is generating the delirium - it may well be not ameliorating it, for sure. It may well be adding to the mechanism by poor sleep, and stress from the odd environment, but COVID-19 is generating it, surely?
This betrays how we have thought about delirium for years, it betrays our inability to understand mechanism, it betrays our complete lack of interventions in treating delirium. No condition affecting just young people or children would be in this position still.

We must step up to this challenge, not hide behind 'the system'

We do not have a deep systemic understanding of the root causes of delirium, so by scratching the surface and congratulating ourselves we risk more harm than good- so is this not ageist in itself?

4/4 End
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