Some people are good in books and memorization, some are good public speaking and recitation. More often students are graded in a fixed grading system where they have to attain a certain level of knowledge in both multiple academic and non-academic aspects inorder to pass;
This leads to students being graded wether they have reached that given standard or not, not the effort they took inorder to reach the level of knowledge they attained.
We have to understand that students have diverse level of knowledge, never look down on someone's inability to do certain skills nor force them to learn that skill in an equal interval to all students.
This thread is based on what i feel personally. I have low proficiency when it comes to objective written examination and memorization but excel in subjective exams and recitation.
It's sad to be graded based on what i achieved in papers not on the process of that attainment.

I am willing to accept comments on this thread if there are some, please be nice though I'm willing to change my mindset if the need arises.
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