So remember the whole ex-gay thing? Sure, in a heteronormative world, it's not easy to work out who you are, if who you are doesn't happen to be the exact same person that everyone assumes. But most people loudly talking about "ex-gay" people aren't thinking about that.
They're not saying "it's OK if you think you're one thing, but it turns out you're another". They're saying "gay people make me personally uncomfortable, but look, there's a solution: you can go back in the closet!"
Any "detransitioner" organisation you've likely heard of is the transphobic equivalent of "ex-gay" homophobic organisations.
(I'm *not* saying whether genuine organisations exist to help people detransition. I don't know either way, I'm not up on that. I *am* saying that if there are, then they're *very* niche, and compassionate, so don't get articles written about them in tabloids.)
Sure, maybe one in a few hundred people say they're trans; and out of those people, maybe one in a few hundred are actually cis. (That's maybe one in tens of thousands. It's *very* rare. If someone tells you they're trans, there's a *far* more than 99% chance they're correct.)
I talked to someone online once who was apparently in that situation: they'd transitioned, then detransitioned, and found the experience useful as part of their growth through life. Such people should be supported, of course.
But we're not talking about that. We're talking about straight, cis people who are uncomfortable that some other people aren't like them, and want to shove everyone else back in the closet.
So there's this thread where one such transphobic organisation got a lot of press, and now it's looking like a scam, as you might expect, and that's not getting any press:
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