Giving people the CHOICE to go remote is part of what makes this compelling for employees. The longstanding evidence shows that #remotework increases job satisfaction and productivity if people feel they have choice and autonomy. In addition......1/4
companies have to increase the collective capacity of employees and leaders for effective remote + decentralized work. These skills are learned. They don’t emerge organically. It’s an org wide upskilling journey of attitude and aptitude with HUGE implications to orgs’ culture 2/4
Productivity, performance, motivation, psychological safety, presence management, digital/media tool selection for communication (e.g., think zoom fatigue inducing faux pas committed by millions) collaboration, data sharing, storage and much more like global, regulatory... 3/4
COVID19 is proving to be an accelerant of change. More companies will likely add remote work to their org design (Ex, culdesac announced last week). Giving Choice will be as crucial as equipping people to thrive when they can easily be out of sight and out of synch. 4/4
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