just saw another tweet about “dont worry about the following, people will find you” but i doubt this is a universal experience. gaining any sort of traction has been a steep uphill climb and very discouraging. i FREQUENTLY feel there’s got to be something i’m not doing right?
i’m sure for the people who give this advice, it DID work, and thats great, but as someone who’s been posting work online for at least 10 years and what i consider decent quality work for at least 4-5 of those.... still in the dark out here.
fortunately i have made a handful of nice aquaintances and friends! ive gotten some neat work with less than 1k on pretty much every platform (instagram only squeaking over that mark semi-recently). i still think there must be something i could be doing better.
advice to just be yourself and let them come seems great, but i wonder what unconscious habits and forces of algorithmic fate inhabit the divide between ppl who pick up 10k+ on accident and me, because clearly we are doing something differently and i wish i knew what that was.
there’s no nice resolution to this thread; it’s 4:23 am and i’m sort of stream of consciousness atm
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