the venn diagram of white people panicking about "wet markets" and white people posting photos of the organic produce and artisanal small batch cheeses they buy at local farmers markets in their gentrified neighbourhoods on instagram is a circle
your local food truck market where you get to watch your sushi made to order? wet market.

the farmers market where you buy organic preserves and cured meats? wet market.

your local butcher/fishmonger? wet market.
the west has live seafood markets, too. famous ones, even.
and live cattle/livestock markets have been around for centuries, probably longer. humans "mingle with" live animals when we slaughter them in abbatoirs, too, and eating meat and fish raw or undercooked is a delicacy in dozens of cuisines.
*someone's* never seen a crawfish boil.
you're so close to the point! so close!
I'm muting this thread because of my "over 1000 likes means endless headaches in my notifications" rule but also because I'm tired of having to explain to white people what a wet market is
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