If you order any package online,
Leave it for 72hours at least before you open and/or unwrap it to touch anything inside it.

When the delivery comes,
Collect it with gloves,
Keep it somewhere for 3days.

Coronavirus can last up to 3days on objects and surfaces.

RT for someone.
This advice comes from a team of researchers from the universities of Bath, Bristol and Southampton to help reduce Covid19 transmission.

They are health experts working closely with Public Health England, and this advice has been uploaded onto a website called “Germ Defence”.
Basically the main thing is that the delivery man who is bring you the package may be infected and you will never know.

The company worker packing the package may be infected and you will never know.

Better to assume they are infected and take all safe precautions o, my people.
What if delivery is food?

That’s a tough one- obviously you just take all safe precautions:

•Collect the package with gloves,
•Unwrap it safely,
•Put in a clean plate,
•Wash your hands,
•Then eat.

This is NOT a 100% guarantee of anything. But it is better than nothing.
“What of spraying it with disinfectant or using bleach?”

I don’t recommend that.
It’s unrealistic to think that will be effective and it gives you a false reassurance that you have done something when you may have wasted your time.

I would give examples:
If it’s a laptop or...
If it’s a laptop/phone,
Would you spray the laptop with disinfectant or dip it inside bleach? If it’s a dress, will you throw it inside bleach?

Spraying the pack changes nothing.
The product itself may have virus from the company.

So it’s better you wait 3days.
IF it can wait.
“What if I need to return it and it’s too late after 3days?”

A simple way out is to let the company know you will wait three days before opening- if they will refuse to collect it back, then don’t buy.

There are no easy answers that solves all problems. I can’t decide for you.
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