#WayV as demons:

Concept theory based on the list of demons on Winwin's shirt.

Samael (Me)

[Introductory Thread]
First, the demons mentioned here are based on the 7 deadly sins and also known as the demon princes/princes of hell. Except for Samael (fallen angel) and Berith ( ‘god’ who was later recognized as Baalberith in Christian demonology).
There are a lot of different classifications of demons. We will be using Peter Binsfeld’s. But Satan (wrath) and Belphegor (sloth) are two demons that are not mentioned on Winwin’s shirt. We’ll look at the possible reasons later.
In this thread, we will only be discussing wayv as possible demons mentioned.

Another thread will be done to further explain the whole conspiracy theory surrounding Regular-Dream Launch-Take Off-Moonwalk-Love Talk.

(Credits at the end of thread.)

Ok let's start.
1) KUN: Lucifer (Pride)
-Emperor of Hell, Leader. He is the one who is in charge. In Regular, he is the only one wearing a tag, perhaps that allows him into the 'control room'. He's the one giving instructions, ordering people at the 'office'. Gestures show power and authority.
Regular started with beautiful visual of Lucas and charming dance by Ten. But Kun shows his dominance as he stepped on the phone, causing it to crack, putting the focus on him and only him. The Demon of Pride.
He is also often potrayed rich, always flexing on the stuff he has. Will always look at the camera with a sense of pride, as if challenging anyone to dethrone him.
In Regular, while showing Kun, there was a glitch of Hendery. This is important because:

2) HENDERY: Mammon (Greed).

Son of Lucifer/ supposedly second in charge. He monopolizes people’s energy and seeks materialistic wealth. Always seen in expensive clothing, mansion.
But he always looks bored and unaffected by the luxury, probably because it's not enough.

Hendery also shows signs of authority manipulation as he is shown staring at the 'octagon' that represents the place that the demons are all trapped in.
That's all for now I will continue with the next demons later after I reach home 🤠
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