These people tried to spam and mass report a certain DDS Confessions page without realizing that DDS is a school in India (Daisy Dales Senior Secondary School) and the page is ran by its alumni.

Now they researched about our President and hence this post.

This is the website of the school. The logo on the page and on the website is one and the same. 
They posted this yesterday.
I checked their edit history on their post yesterday and see these changes:

Chinese weirdos to
Chinese/Philippine weirdos to
Chinese/Philippino weirdos

Bakit may Chinese?
who's gonna tell her
As expected, the messages came - both good and bad from we all know who
This last paragraph hits really hard.
Crabbler = Satan's tumor's little tumors
spell report
*Now the admin of the page researched about our President and hence this post.
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