My gorgeous Year 11s,

In a different world you’d have spent this morning stressing out and saying that you’d forgotten everything you’d been taught. You’d be saying you didn’t know who Malcolm was and why he’s relevant. You have asked “What if the Porter comes up again!” 1/?
And you’d be panicking and stressing and chattering and mithering but that’s fine. Because that’s expected to happen on what should’ve been a day like today.

I would’ve reminded you off all your notes, told you how amazing you’ve worked and called you the 10/10s that you are 2/?
And I’d have made sure for the last half an hour we’d do nothing but chat and talk about about silly stuff in an attempt to calm you down... whilst also begging you all to chomp down on the remaining 59 breakfast bars I’ve brought in for you. And you’d oblige happily oblige. 3/?
In a different world I’d be escorting you down to the Canteen to line you up and wish you all the luck in the world, luck you didn’t need, because today, in approximately 20 minutes, you’d be writing the best answers of your life. 4/?
In a different world, right now someone would be asking me for a better word than evil, what TUP stands for and whether the Monster has a soul?
But that world isn’t today, and you have no idea how gutted I am you are not demonstrating your amazing skill set to the examiners 5/?
Today what should’ve been English Lit 1, is a day I weirdly looked forward to because you were going to show the world how you are the ultimate 10/10. You were going to show everyone just how amazing you are.

Im truly sorry we’re not doing the exam this morning, I really am. 6/?
But at least we had three years where we laughed hysterically at Carol Ann Duffy being shy, made people perform their songs because the lesson was over and had birthday parties (mainly for me!).

And on the plus side... could you imagine if it was a question about Saffie! No! 7/7
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