Here's something important that y'all should know and pls use your brains before going along with the majority just because they pulled out the victim card. This is based on the bullying I faced yesterday for defending harry from his own "fans" like this.
This is gonna be a long thread so bear with me pls. And before I start let me make it clear I'm poc, Muslim and asian so I too can pull out the victim card...
1.) If you ever come across someone who happens to be black harrie and u disagree with them let me warn u beforehand that they'll label you as racist. Plus if u make one harmless slip up like "you people" but the intention behind is not at all about race but only the ones+
hating on him you'll be constantly called racist.
2.) No matter how many times you explain that # users what you meant by that they will NOT accept the fact but will continue using the word racist to make their point relevant.
3.) And about the harrybackout thing. Harry Styles received death threats and his family too were bullied and harassed online but that # users don't care about that instead they put the blame on haters as if they don't watch his every move like an obsessed fan
4.) It was proved that there was not connection between Pepsi and NFL but that # users ignored that many times and only replied one time asking for proofs as if they have one to support their point.
5.) Even after an accusation has been proved wrong and you're told to apologise to the person who you bullied online and still refusing to do so this is what that # users will say. WHERE'S THE LOGIC? what u said is not true then wtf is wrong with apologising?
6.)The reason why they're not apologising is because they're black and he's white. Another example of this is harry following a black harrie because she made him feel guilty by saying he never acknowledged them even tho he he's an active blm supporter. Have I ever used the fact +
that I'm Asian and Muslim to gain his follow? His attention? No never I never once used that coz that's fcking using your race and background to gain what you want.
7.) So many people in this fandom blindly went along with the majority because they're the victims so no matter how much u falsely accuse others they'll be right. Sweaty you're basically indirectly belittling your communities' struggles +
and throwing around the word racist is another example for that. I've seen some people saying they've been called racist by black harries so many times just because they disagreed with them. Time to use "u disagreed with me you're islamaphobe" I see.
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