i think about this panel a lot. i think about how the “ace” title probably feels really heavy for iwaizumi and how he puts in a lot of effort to feel worthy of the title. he raises team morale with how he talks and gives advice to the juniors and to the rest of the team,
he takes care of oikawa by making sure oik doesnt overwork himself, keeps oikawa grounded, he makes sure hes an ace the team can rely on which is why oikawa always sets to iwa when theyre caught in a corner, and iwa always scores. which is a lot
but when he doesnt score in a time of need he gets so upset with himself he immediately brings up the fact that he isnt worthy to be ace. thats why this scene means so much too me. the third years understand how iwa feels and they make sure iwa knows that he has their support ;-;
point of this thread is i hope iwaizumi sees more worth in himself now. i hope he doesnt feel the need to carry the burden of whichever team he is on or blames himself if they lose. and i hope he is doing ok
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