If you think this thing through, by the time we get 2 November there will be criminals roaming the streets, crime & chaos in every major Democrat-run city, millions of small businesses closed forever, 15-20 million people out of work, jobs gone, & our once great economy in ruins.
And if Fauci is as "clairvoyant" as he was in 2017, another pandemic will hit in the fall, just in time for the Democrats to insist on mail-in ballots. If you think this hasn't been planned for the past 60 years, you haven't been paying attention. There are no coincidences.
And who are the beneficiaries of the "pandemic" and the "lockdown" and the ruined American economy? The Democratic Socialists and the Chinese Communist Party,
Big Pharma and the Tech giants. Who are the losers?
The American people, especially the middle class, which will be gone.
You can follow @RealEricCarmen.
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