Thinking of werewolf AU but [UshiKita]. Ushijima wolf just wants to be pet. He'll put his massive head in Kita's lap and let Kita gently scritch his head till he falls asleep
Toshi, covered in leaves after crawling through the garden to get to Kita's house: I am here for pets
Kita: why don't you just come through the front door? You're all dirty now
Toshi: ... So no pets?
Kita: (sighing fondly) let me finish dinner and then I'll give you pets
Wakatoshi sits in the backyard and waits till Kita finally makes it back. They sit in the veranda so Toshi can come and curl up around him with his head in his lap. Kita reads while he absently picks leaves out of Toshis fur
At first Kita didn't know Wakatoshi was a werewolf. He just saw a giant dog in his backyard and decided to make friends with it.
Wakatoshi doesn't tell him either because technically you should keep it a secret but
Kita kept feeding him disgusting dog treats so Wakatoshi just says in his human voice "I don't like dog biscuits" and Kita just stared at him for a solid minute before collecting himself and asking "okay, what do you prefer then?"
And that's how Kita found out the mysterious big dog that visited him at night was a talking wolf.
Well I guess I should clarify at this point that I did werewolf but I mean like a wolf shifter hybrid that can shift between human and full animal form at will but they have a half beast form that they can only shift into on full moons
After coming over almost every night Wakatoshi doesn't come on the full moon and Kita realises he misses having the wolf around. he worries and hopes the wolf is ok and didn't accidentally get hurt or caught by someone.
He waits in his backyard for a while and ends up falling asleep on the veranda. But when he wakes up he is in bed and covered in dog hair. Theres a note written in a wobbly hand apologizing for a broken flower pot and a line in a wobblier hand apologizing for breaking his pencil
And sure enough there's a decimated pencil in his trash bin.
Kita smiles to himself and goes out to check the damage on the pot. It's smashed, but the shards of pottery have been collected and carefully placed next to the wall.
As he gets changed for the day, he tries to figure out a temporary solution for the plant till he can get a new pot, the door bell rings.
He answers to find a tall, dark haired, severe looking man standing in the doorway, holding an empty flower pot.
'I am sorry for breaking your planter, I've got you a replacement,' he says, and he sounds very much like Kita's wolf friend.
'Are you my wolf?' he asks, just to make sure.
The man, much to his surprise, goes a little bit pink, though he doesn't avert his eyes.
'Yes, I am,' he says. 'my name is Wakatoshi. Im a wolf shifter. which is why I can talk in my wolf form. But please keep it a secret.'
This is less surprising than hearing a wolf talk like a human, so Kita takes it in stride easily enough. 'do you want to come in?' he asks.
Wakatoshi considers it for a moment before he responds. 'can I get more snacks? And pets?'
Kita laughs out loud. 'yes, I can give you snacks. And pets.'
Toshi smiles, visibly pleased. 'thank you. You're the nicest human I've met.'
It makes Kita stupidly happy to hear it.
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