I want to say something really controversial about my former political leanings that I have been wanting to say. I think it will shine some perspective on where I'm coming from and and how different I feel from so many on here.
In 2016 I used to be a big supporter of Trump. I didn't really pay attention to the racist shit and thought it was just overblown media stuff. I thought the guy was gonna actually fight the establishment, bring jobs to the country, and just change things.
I actually liked Bernie a bit at the time as well but I saw the way he endorsed Hillary and lost interest. I loved how Trump would absolutely demolish his opponents in the Republican Primaries, calling out Jeb for the Iraq War, calling out Rubio,
hell even calling out the audience when they boo'd at him. He would say things that I agreed with such as "The world is laughing at us, look at our airports, look at our country. We need to bring our jobs back to America and we need to build, it's gonna be the greatest thing"
It gave me hope that somebody who was "rich and didn't want their money" was actually going to fight the system and change shit. I was in Texas at the time, went to a Trump rally and really immersed myself in the populist Trumpism movement stuff.
After he was elected it didn't take long for him to start fucking up and each time he would do something stupid it would jolt me out of it. I think the final straw is when he made his "shithole" comment, I think. That's when I was like man this guy fucking sucks.
In college I chose to do an essay on Medicare For All expecting it to be some radical nonsense and the more I researched, the more I thought it was such a needed policy for the country. Then learning how every other country has it sealed it for me.
I've always had progressive tendencies but yeah I got caught up in that shit. It was the populism that drew me. He would say whatever you want him to say so everyone had their own ideal image of him. He at one point said he'd raise the wage to $10. He said he will cover everyone
in healthcare. The dude was such a fucking con-man.

Point is. I have a unique perspective that I hope you all see is valuable. I don't like where the left is right now. I don't like what Bernie did. The disease that spawned this man is neoliberalism. I knew that before and I
know it now. Neoliberalism is the disease that got us Trump. That's why I hate these fucking corporate democrats and blue maga fucks more than I ever could a Trumper.
Lot's of Trump people are fucking sick. They eat up conspiracies, they watch too much Fox News, some have bigoted beliefs, but many on the right are also working class people who just want the same shit that we do. A lot of these neoliberal people and progressives
are wealthy ass motherfuckers who don't care about shit. They're gonna sink all of us with them. A lot of these progressives see this as a career. They aren't actually about it. A lot know that you guys are in the right, they do but they are on a mission, they hate
Trump at such an unhealthy level, they can't acknowledge that it was them who drove the far right to the edge. They can't acknowledge it was them who lost to the pied piper bafoon from the apprentice, they can't acknowledge that there are people to the left of them
who ACTUALLY embody who they think they are. Who actually embody a heart for the working class. Who actually embody a sense of empathy and a hunger for justice.

This country is so fucked in so many levels. I really hope whatever needs to happen can just happen so we can
hopefully build a United States in my lifetime where we have human rights, equal opportunity to live a good life, and peace.
P.s. lost a lot of friends during that election
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