Hello, this is KML.
I've seen a lot of words and I've been organizing the information and facts I've had, so please check my tweets.
First of all, I'm going to talk about what @Startokkis claims.
Startokki has been opened it to the public everything, so I will also open it for everyone to judge.
So, I have completely lost confidence with G.O.
If there are any other sellings in the future, I will not only accept the group orders, but also not consider of overseas sales at all.
Third, about TRUST ISSUES (TI).

I have received reports from several others about Trust Issues’ identity and her alternate account, so I wanted to share with you all.
1. Multiple accounts of TI at fan-sign events matches their pictures from their alternate account.
2. TI’s second fansite, commitment issues, uses the same email as their alternate account.
Lastly, I don't care much about bullshit idiots.
But it would be a waste to show them my data, so I'm thinking about how to run it.
And there's nothing more to say about all of the above.
As I have gathered these facts and information because I felt victimized and upset, I think someone who is bitter need to explain.
If you have any questions, ask them who I mentioned, not me.
You can follow @kissmylips_kr.
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