In the 1960s, when India didn't have enough food, we used to import wheat from the US. Given that it was kind of charity for them, they didn't send us stuff out of the top drawer.

With that wheat, came Parthenium a highly invasive species of weed (the bad kind)
And it is so bloody invasive, that it has taken root in most of our farming regions. And it is a pain in the ass, because it destroys 40% of the crop.

Today, a section of the TL, for some odd reason, is quoting Nehru as a paragon for advocating Self Reliance.
Nehru, ensured we were so NOT Self reliant that we had to beg for food. And with that food, came poisonous weeds. Those weeds are destroying crops in India even today.

In tribute to Nehru's advocacy of Self Reliance, Parthenium is affectionately called "Congress Grass"
When people go like, "Nehru laid the foundations of self reliance". Only thought, My ass he did.

How can he be an example for India's self reliance, when he ensured India was dependent on the US even for staple crops?
And thanks to Nehru's utopian socialistic economic ideas, we got the licence raj and the rampant corruption.

I don't if that contributed to Self Reliance, but it definitely contributed to the rise of Reliance.
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