Rant time.

If you don't know me... I'm an author, an editor, I have creative writing & English lit minors. I've written for *32* years. I actually do know how to use words exceedingly well.

And I don't try to on twitter. It's not worth the extra angst it gives me. I just let
it hang here. I RELAX here.

I work HARD on my & my clients' books.

This here? Twitter? It's social time, not work time for me. I'm here to let my readers get to know me if they want to & to complain about whatever is pissing me off on that particular day.

And to share cat pics
Cause those are important damnit! My cats are cute.

I'm here to advocate for ppl like me & for diversity in everything, especially entertainment.

Enough background? Okay, on to the rant. I am not going to be polite y'all.
You know why I don't correct people's Grammar/Typing/Writing/Spelling on twitter?

Cause it's a real jackass thing to do. Yes. Really. It is. (and like, a *pathetic* jackass thing to do, you REALLY have nothing better to do w/your time than piss off a stranger by correcting their
language usage? I feel so sorry for you if that's how you get your jollies. Dang.

You know... you apparently can access twitter, so it's a safe assumption to believe you can use the internet.

There're these things called books... oh & just WAIT til you hear about MOVIES!)
Oih. Have you ever noticed they only do it to ppl they don't know?

(I'm pretty sure this particular pilgarlic was probably my bored, pitiful troll with the sad life and truly horrible addiction.)

But it touches on something that infuriates me bcs I see ppl doing it to
marginalized ppl ALL THE TIME!!!

I'm not mad about some jerkspooge correcting me, (mildly annoyed, yes, cause really?? Really. Gif = my reaction)

gif: Robert Downey Jr. EPICALLY rolling his eyes.
I'm FURIOUS about how ppl treat marginalized folks about language.

Look. Correcting someone else's language use, no matter who they are, or YOU are doesn't make you look smart, it makes you look like an arsecandle, oh, & before you correct someone...

if you're gonna be THAT
asswipe, maybe read the comments first?

You know, to make sure some OTHER dickshit didn't get there first to correct a sick person? And it shouldn't even matter that I'm sick!!! Grrrr.

Don't. Do. This.

You have *no* idea what personal shit is going on for the person you're

you don't know if they're typing in a language they don't usually speak,

you don't know if they're having a hard time,

had a hard day, are sick, drunk, high, (legal substances do these things, you know?), in pain...

you don't know if you've had WAY more
privilege as per education than the person you're so "helpfully" correcting.

(Hint, fast & easy way to guess if you've probably had more privilege? If you're light-skinned? You prob have.)

When I taught in inner-city schools where most of my students were black WE DIDN'T HAVE


Ask yourself this, before you correct someone on twitter dot com.

1) Are they your student? No? Then shut up.

2) Are they a friend w/whom you've previously discussed things like if they're okay to have their stuff corrected by *you*? No? Then shut up.
3) Are they perhaps an editing client who is paying you for your services? Again no? Shut the fvck up.

4) Are they a critique partner or are you beta-reading one of their books? No?
Shut. The. Fvck. Up.

(I think I'm channeling (gif) Samuel L Jackson 😂)

No one wants your
'help'. Really really.

And yes, m'dears, this was a motherfvcking subtweet.

(Not of anyone I follow/who follows me, pretty sure it was prob the trollomatic that seems to really like me for some reason. Dude, I'm NOT going to have sex w/you, this flirting is getting tiresome.)
You can follow @KaelanRhy.
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