Angry @PlayApex Tweets. I recently returned from Brazil, so I speak Portuguese. When I heard they were releasing a Portuguese-speaking legend, I was super excited. So when Loba dropped today, I was super disappointed. She speaks 0 Portuguese, and, 1/
on top of that, the closest thing I've heard is "demonio", which is is NOT Portuguese. It's close, but the Portuguese word is "demônio". Demonio is Spanish. And before you tell me that she doesn't speak Portuguese, look at Revenant's reveal trailer and her dad clearly 2/
says: "minha família" and she herself says: "mamãe". This is Portuguese. Am I making a big deal out of this, yes. But I need this. Respawn. You need to fix this. #LetLobaSpeakPortuguese
I love making grammar errors in my angry tweets
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