My dad would like push us down the stairs or some shit and my mom would be like “he loves u he just has a funny way of showing it” and suddenly all of my love issues make sense 😅
Now I think someone loves me even if they “got a funny way of showing it” no wonDER I PUT UP WITH SO MUCH SHIT OH MY GOD??????
I love my dad so much but g shit it is no wonder why he died at 45!! My mans literally couldn’t figure this shit out for the life of him!! Literally bless his soul❀
Like that’s kinda awful ass parenting though, as long as u know he “loves you” it’s enough. Not that my mom knew any better but like, girl wtf I’m- quite literally traumatized lmao
I guess this is the same (wonderful) lady that got outta rehab at 22, moved strAIGHT to south Florida, met my dad at an AA meeting and got engaged to him within 9 days. Lmao idk y’all but here I am!!
Also the fact my dad had a big ass house with a big ol stair case to pUSH US DOWN goes to show not all rich white people have cookie cutter ass upbringing.
Yes I lived in a nice crib on an island but I also spent most of my childhood in NA/AA meetings, jail visitations, court hearings, funeral homes, child counseling... Shit we even got fostered once when the SWAT team raided my dads house lookin for cocaine!
All before I was 9 /when he died lol!! Let’s not get started on my grandmother literally being MURDERED a year before that! Y’all- I. I don’t know why I’m tweeting all this but just stay tuned for my book
Gonna wrap this thread the fuck up, though. the more u know guys! THE! MORE! YOU! KNOW!!!
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