In the case of influenza, where such a study was made, infectious aerosols were shown to be mostly generated in the lower respiratory tract 3/
C19 certainly differs from influenza but probably through what exactly the virus does inside a cell, not through physical mechanisms that lead to aerosol generation from inflamed tissues 4/
Thus, the fact that children with C19 have significant nasal viral does doesn't imply that they often have lower respiratory tract involvement 5/
Thus, the only plausible explanation of the fact that they seem to transmit poorly is that they generate little infectious aerosol 6/
If the aerosol route is at the core of transmission, the whole social distancing-focused response to C19 is a giant clusterf*ck 7/
Most masks are also close-to-useless then, and people should have been advised to stay as much as possible outside and the focus should have been on boosting the indoor ventilation /end
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