You could have Coronavirus. So could I. Most of us haven't been tested. And even if we got tested yesterday, we could test positive tomorrow.

It doesn't matter if we feel fine. Some never get symptoms.

But we could pass it to someone else who could die from it.
People who have the Coronavirus can transmit it to others extremely easily. It's not like AIDS where you have to have intimate contact with people. You can get it from being near people who have it.

Which brings us to the topic of masks, the weirdest thing to become political.
Some people have a strange idea that masks somehow indicate some form of weakness or fear. How? Why? That doesn't even make sense. That's not why medical experts are even asking people to wear masks.

Masks protect others from us, if we're carrying Covid. Which we COULD be.
Wearing a mask reduces the chance that we could inadvertently spread the virus to someone else. A percentage of the people who get the virus will get really, really sick and need hospitalization. And a percentage who get the virus will die.
So, Mr. or Mrs. pro-life, all life is sacred, Real Men/Women/Kids Love Jesus, here is a chance to prove that you actually do love your neighbor.

Do you care enough about protecting the people you come into contact with enough to be slightly inconvenienced? Or you don't?
If you refuse to wear a mask because you don't like the way it makes YOU feel, it's an affront to YOUR freedom and you don't like the way YOU look in it, what does any of that have to do with the fact that wearing one reduces the odds that you'll pass a deadly virus to someone?
The middle letter in the word "sin" is "I."

(Like we tell the young folks, life isn't all about you. Some older folks need to be reminded of that as well).
We're getting closer and closer to the point at which 1% of the people in the country have been CONFIRMED to have the virus. Which likely means that a lot more people have it who don't even know it.
Let's say that 20% of the people who get the virus need to go to the hospital. And say 2% die (right now, 5.9% of the people who we know had the virus have died). Any way you cut it, that's a LOT of people. The chances of any of us having it and passing it are not zero.
So, think about your staunch pro-lifedness. How much you talk about the sacredness of life. And then line that up with your statement that you're not willing to be slightly inconvenienced even if there is a chance that by not doing so, you'll cause someone to die.
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