for a while now i have not felt as though i am in complete control of my actions. i constantly want better for myself and can clearly identify my weaknesses. ultimately my weakness is self discipline. i, like many in my generation, grew up in the age of instant gratification..
as a result the desire for “cheap thrills” has completely dictated my life and actions. i am no where near rock bottom (i hope) but am certainly further away from ideal state. these reasons are why i decided to challenge my arch nemesis, myself.
over the next 60 days (ending 7/13) i will be completing a series of 8 tasks everyday. no matter what. the idea is to develop some good habits as well as gain more self control and confidence. i want to be calling the shots in my life again.
the list is as follows
1- meditate for 1 hour
2- exercise for 1 hour
3- stretch/yoga for 30 mins
4-read for 1 hour
5- no alcohol
6- no marijuana
7- drink 1 gallon or water
8- follow a paleo diet
along with completing and in some cases abstaining from the list above i will be tweeting daily about the journey on this thread. i also am taking progress pictures but these will not be displayed. today (5/12) was day one. update to come later.
i want to reiterate that i am not in a state of despair with regard to my current life but rather don’t see the same leaps and bounds that i once did. the hypothesis is that this will help me get back there
Day 1:
Tough. i could end the recap right there and it’d be enough but i’ll add some color for ya.
i’m uncontrollably restless and meditating for 1hr def highlighted that. it was hard not to check the time but i still managed to get some deep thought. the rest was equally
challenging. mostly just getting everything i needed to get done was tough. there aren’t enough hours in the day but to be fair i slacked for at least 2hrs today. tomorrow i’ll need to be better about my “breaks”. run was short but needed and felt good. book is siddhartha which
is a great read. nearly done due to brevity. water✅ abstinence from vices ✅
tomorrow is another day to own. finna carpe this diem.
You can follow @Mogul2Yung.
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