I think they seriously discussed what to show and what not to show in this documentary series. And while I agree that some of it is too much, it is what it is. Whatever they decided to "expose" in the videos, we should take it as how it should be.
It's just sad that every time there is something to get excited about or look forward to, there's always one who kinda bursts someone's bubble. Take it as it is and how they want it to be portrayed rather than dissect everything to the point of making everyone feel like +
+ they're looking forward to something that shouldn't even be anticipated. It is a documentary, but yes it is still edited to make it appealing to public. But they also discussed and agreed on what content to show. There's still a message that they want to convey.
I don't know but it's just exhausting. I feel like Carats are on an endless sprint on putting Pledis down first more than appreciating whatever Seventeen (via Pledis of course) tries to bring on the table. There's always criticism... even at the expense of Seventeen's hardwork.
Here they are, baring themselves to people who they think would understand them the most and would appreciate their hardwork behind the scenes more than anyone, yet not even a few hours after the teaser they already view it as something else. It should be exhausting for them too.
I trust that they are able to think for themselves. I trust that they are able to voice out anything that don't seem right. And I trust that if they are forced to do something, they would go against it unless they know there's a need for them to do it. Am I trusting them blindly?
I'm not saying these to make people agree with me. I'm just personally exhausted seeing Carats always come up with some conspiracy theory or scheme about Pledis everytime there's a fucking schedule or project to the point that I feel guilty about getting excited for these things.
Can't I just be a Carat who looks at SVT and SVT only, even though I am aware that there's a Pledis behind them? Can't I just be a Carat who trusts them fully for once & don't think that they get threatened by Pledis to do something out of their own will?
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