We see this all over the place in the entertainment industry:

Especially Project MONARCH and MK ULTRA mind based trauma symbolism. https://twitter.com/familyman20181/status/1260416891325239297
And we get one more shot of the Occult symbolism on Katniss- In fact, she is turning into some kind of black bird, this supports various symbolism we see with occult performers such as Lady Gaga:
The symbolic meaning of blackbirds is eternally linked to the “dark vs light” phases of the moon. I’m talking nocturnal awareness. Illumined lunar understanding which requires a different use of the senses. A fundamental concept of alchemy which is: Transition and Transformation.
It all ties into occult belief system of alchemy & the pursuit of the Philosopher’s Stone. This “Great Work” of occult traditionalists suggest that there is a way of achieving immortality. The path through these steps are portrayed by colors, birds with same corresponding colors.
We’ve seen this from Miley Cyrus; right before she went off the rails in her video Can’t Be Tamed (which also features the bird cage mind control aspects):
You’ll also recognize in that video she is depicted with the peacock feathers, which tells us the fabricated story of Miley Cyrus who lost her mind in this transformative process. The peacock feathers can symbolize the failed attempt, which drives one crazy;
The colors go from black, to white, to yellow, and finally red.

Or the raven, swan, and phoenix.

These colors are all represented on the book covers:
And in the final films we see her final destination- the phoenix rising from the ashes, signifying alchemical transformation:

Similar to Senator NoNames's Masonic Ritual Pheonix Funeral.
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