Why I, Count McNukoo, am not a real libertarian, a thread:

-Fearful and skeptical of anarchism
-Find agorism intriguing, but also quite laughable.
-Am a mixture of classical liberal and paleo-libertarian
-Am not triggered by public roads
-Believe in the US Constitution
-Currently do not own any personal firearms, unfortunately
-Don't grow my own food
-Don't have an outhouse to escape septic regulations
-(Reluctantly) pay my taxes
-Never want to be drunk
-Don't smoke or intend to
-Don't do recreational drugs or intend to ever. Like, ever.
-Am not an atheist
-Actually am on the autism spectrum for real (the joke being that all libertarians are somewhat autistic, well guess what? I actually am)
-Not really a nihilist
-Don't have any exotic pets
-Dislike the ACAB crowd
-Struggle about driver's licenses
-Wish for technological advancement, but also hope people won't be left behind.
-Support the decriminalization of all drug use and removing of sentences for those convicted of possession/usage. But also want private charities to aggressively work to help people kick the habit
if they are addicted, as well as have honest conversations about the damaging effects of elicit substances. Did I mention I don't want to ever do recreational drugs? Yeah? Well excuse me for finding the world as it is beautiful and believing one best experiences or not under the
influence of a mind-altering substance! Also I'd hate to meet drunk me, so there's that explanation.
-Like Abraham Lincoln as a person and have some shred of understanding for his decisions while President
-Hope to see all the reservations opened
-Actually like national parks
-Don't want the boogaloo to happen, but mostly because of how the government would respond to an armed uprising. Also who knows who's doing it, and thus who would be believed to be an "enemy" agent by either side, and suffer the fate of far too many civilians in wartime?
-Am barely in the bottom right quadrant (political compass attached for reference)
-Believe that public roads should exist, but their maintenance should be handled by the people who use them.
-Wear a mask in public and have been staying home when possible
-Work in education
-Want a Cabinet of just Defense, State, Treasury, and Justice
-Believe there should be one American currency, but that its worth and rate of circulation should not be decided by an unelected group of fat cat bankers.
-Care about how America is seen on the world stage
-Believe America's role in WWII was completely justified and that Pearl Harbor happened the way it did
-Believe the moon landing wasn't faked
-Haven't watched Waco or Tiger King yet
-Didn't major in political science in college
-Wasn't always a libertarian (oh wait I'm not now)
-Want unsubsidized, market-driven nuclear power for all citizens' needs
-Have respect for soldiers and cops who behave properly
-Don't like Justin Amash at all
-Don't like Vermin Supreme at all
-Don't like the Libertarian Party as it's currently being run
-Liked Gary Johnson
-Only conspiracy theory I can somewhat get behind is the JFK assassination. But even that's cautious for me; thanks, Oliver Stone.
-Haven't seen the recently released UFO footage yet, and very apprehensive on its validity.
-Ayn Rand is a bit too loud for my liking.
-Believe that when the individual states actively disenfranchise any of their citizens or otherwise neglect their rights to life, liberty, and property, the federal government has every right to step in. Without overreaching the situation at hand, of course.
-Feel that last
sentence needed to be included as a virtual signal so the Liberty Twitter mob doesn't swarm me even harder than they might once they all see this thread.
-Dislike vigilante justice without proof of the target's guilt
-Don't listen to podcasts
-Have trouble with women constantly
-Was working out pretty well until the bat flu hit, but not making much gains.
-Eat both meat and veggies
-Still living with my parents
-Not very handy
-Don't own any unlicensed anything
-Crippling self-doubt
-Loves the German and British Empires
-Thinks quoting someone
like Robespierre in support of Liberty goals is not a good look at all.
-Hates blatant displays of hedonism
-Tries to avoid being horny on main
-Haven't been in a cult and find them dangerous
-Haven't lived in an experimental community of any kind
-Wants to withdraw the US
from all entangling foreign alliances and let NATO go on without us
-Wants to see the European Union dissolved
-Wants the UN out of this country and it to go away too
-Believes foreign monetary aid should be given with mutual consent and for legitimate reasons
-Wants a
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