cw for mentions of death, murder, abuse, pedophilia and sexual assault

you can create problematic content as a way to cope in a way which doesnt actively encourage, glamorise and glorify the actions ... bad things happen in real life -- (1/please hear me out this is important)
books, manga, tv, anime, all very commonly will depict gross actions. this isn't inherently wrong, provided you warn people of what they might be able to see. thats why movies and anime have ratings, and why minors can't buy certain manga (18+ manga is wrapped up in book stores)
gross actions are deliberately usually done by antagonists, to clearly showcase that something is bad and must be stopped. mother gothel in tangled is emotionally abusive, to create the narrative that abuse is an evil act and must be overcome
this doesnt mean you can't also depict protagonists doing bad things, cause it can create some interesting stories right? giorno kills his opponents and its shown to be because of his harsh environment, and isn't depicted to necessarily be a good quality of his-
-but more opens up the question of if the ends of his dream justified the means, creating a sense of moral ambiguity and a discussion with the audience, because killing a mafia boss with your punching ghost to stop kids doing drugs in italy is... a theoretical situation
now if you want to depict bad things which are more rooted in reality, you need to be more transparent in the reality of said bad thing. murder is possibly the most common example so lets continue with that
kira yoshikage is a villain because he commits murders. these murders are not in self defense, and there is no reason to justify it. the reality of how terribly murder can affect people is shown in the form of shigechi. the series purposefully introduces shigechi-
-and allows the audience to get to know him, get to know that he is a kid, and has his flaws, but is ultimately a lonely kid trying to get by, humanising him to make sure we know who he is before we kill him. when murder happens in real life, it happens to real people.
the grieving of everyone in morioh for shigechi, a kid who not all of them even knew, is shown clearly, to emphasise that a tragedy has shaken all of these people.
this shows the very real negative effects of such a heavy act. murder is often an easier one to gauge as people can pretty universally agree that murder is bad. however a lot of media doesn't do the same for sexual assault and pedophilia
when you depict these things and don't show the weight of these actions and that they are harmful, you ignore the real life pains of survivors and you glamorise the actions.
this can be seen in the fetishisation and glamorisation of sexual assault and pedophilia. depicting these as anything but harmful is incredibly dangerous and reckless, and allows for real life weirdos to feel as though they've done nothing wrong, rather than helping anyone cope
also subsequently making victims feel as though what they went through "wasn't that bad" (which is fucking ridiculous and disgusting, no one should have to go through these things let alone have them be treated as something normal and fine)
pedophilic actions aren't depicted as pedophilia in media where they want to make people feel like its normal. even being in possession of media explicitly depicting pedophilic actions can be illegal, as it involves the sexualisation of kids.
instead, it'll be done subtly or passed off as normal. depicting couples in which have a big age gap and one is a minor is one of them. this is why shipping these types of couples is dangerous. nobody tells the viewer that this is wrong.
lots of young people are online and can see this behaviour and start to think theres nothing wrong with this. they date people too old for them. the situation gets out of hand. by not ACTIVELY STATING THAT ITS BAD you become part of the problem
when you create art to cope, don't put your traumatic experiences in a way where anyone would want to experience it for themselves. i don't understand why you would want to do that.

that's the end of this long thread, thank you for reading all of the way, stay safe out there
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