Man I really hate that Jane Eyre was my favorite book for so long but now I just dislike the relationship b/t Jane and Rochester soooo much. Rochester is a manipulative asshole and Jane was settling b/c she was afraid she’d never find someone else who’d truly love her.
SIS HE ALMOST CONNED YOU INTO GETTING MARRIED and I’m 90% sure he either didn’t try very hard to save his wife when she jumped off the roof orrrr he pushed her cause he was that self interested. I get that he was in an unfortunate situation but yeesh. Too much.
UGHHHH trying to rewatch the BBC movie version but I HATE ROCHESTER. He’s asking a little 18 yr old girl who he knows grew up in an all girl’s boarding school and thus has rarely interacted with men if she thinks he’s handsome GOD then slyly dropping how rich he is 🤢🤢
My apologies to Ms. Fairfax who tried to be the voice of reason in this fuckery. Goddamn it Toby Stephens could still get it tho whew
Ironically I’m now more of a Gilbert Markham kinda gal. He’s still problematic, BUT not in an asshole way. He spends a year respecting Helen’s wish for no contact, travels for days to surprise her, thinks better of it b/c he doesn’t want to embarrass her or make things weird
and he’s sensitive so he can’t stand the heartbreak/rejection, and is actually going to just go back home w/o disturbing her. Oh and then jumps out a damn window to get back a flower she gives him, and waits another year to marry her. CONSTANCY. And I need a Toby Stephens clone.
Can’t sleep, watching second half for the language/scenery and the inevitable Toby Stephens gif at the end of this thread (serious universe, if you can send a clone of that man my way plz, I need a quarantine bae 😂) I’m still so skeeved out and conflicted.
The whole using Blanche to manipulate Jane into confessing her feelings is just... gross. Again, Jane is so young and inexperienced compared to Rochester. And she’s starved for affection, which can get the better of even the most self aware person. Rose colored glasses etc.
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