There are so many #Prince #StevieWonder connects! I want to take tomorrow to honor Stevie for his 70th birthday outside the context of P. He is in my top five artists & as much as he influenced my favorite artist, he deserves his own recognition on his day. A quick purple thread:
One of many times they played together...
Hop over here to see P with 3rEyeGirl covering Superstitious with Stevie
That time Prince contributed guitar on So What the Fuss "Prince, PLAY!" 
When Stevie presented Prince with the Key of Life award at the National Association of the Advancement of Colored People Image Awards.
When Prince spent his entire acceptance speech talking about how much it meant to him to see Stevie's success as a Black person coming up in the industry.
The numerous times Prince covered Stevie's songs...
Even sharing my ONA P 😅
One more...(this happened a lot to be honest)
Being you to the max is so important. You never know who's watching. You never know who you may inspire. All of us build upon what was set out before us. All of us have gifts to contribute. Let's all think about our own passions that are clues to our own unique gifts. 💜
Thank you Stevie for doing just that and inspiring our Prince. Tomorrow we celebrate YOU and the ENORMOUS gifts you've given us for the past almost SIXTY years! 💜
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