im gonna do a special shout out to @zmanbrianzane @TheMistaGG and @Chris_Stuckmann by discovering their channels, liking their content enough to sub to, and keeping me highly entertained during this lockdown 💜💜💜
special two shout outs cause he's my bff and all around good guy, @johnblud along with another new channel/subscriber: @thechrisdenker and their vids with xavier woods and nL @newLEGACYinc in general!!! 💜💜💜
that's enough emotional sappy shit from me (jk not really) but this lockdown has been....well, y'all know. but those accounts up there have been keeping me entertained enough to the point where i don't wanna pull what's left od my hair out lmao
coming back to this thread 1 day later to call myself out for not including @deadmeatjames @JamesAJanisse. your horror shelf in the back of all your videos is what gave me the inspiration to start my own. i don't have much right now since i need to set it up, but its a start!
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