used to sometimes, but “consuming” vs “creating” as a dichotomy is a weird concept the internet age thrust upon us imo. living life and taking things in is a valid part of the artistic process, nothing to feel guilty about imo unless you’re indulging in excess/aping concepts
having interesting concepts floating in your head is where interesting ideas come from - having hobbies, pursuing interests, cultivating diverse/niche taste, etc is step 0 of making rad stuff. this includes “consuming” media
further than that tho don’t get caught up in the label/aesthetic/etc of Being A Creative. the best artists are people who just ask “you know what’d be cool/interesting/etc?”, answer the question, then make it happen. all that other noise is extra
last: granted this is all coming from a borderline ascetic so ymmv lol, but know your pace. I’m all about pushing the limits, but it’s unsustainable if you’re working beyond your cadence. if you’re honestly drained, recharge; if you’re tired, rest; if not, go for it
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