I liked Star Wars as a kid, and as an adult the mythic storytelling and romantic potential kept me engaged.
I'm not catering my fandom experiences to comfort people who fucking hate me anyway.
I want to add: I joined the fandom space Galactic Fempire for a while after meeting the creator. It was not a monolith of opinion, and there was a lot of age diversity that lead to hostility and gatekeeping between old school OT fans and those who dared like the ST
I love and respect the creator of the space who sought to create a haven away from toxicity, but in this space I felt exhausted instantly having to deal with people getting snarky because I dared like the ST and a certain character dynamic.
I have managed to carve a space for myself here involving copious blocking and curation. I have my opinions and biases and people who mind them and call me out. But I don't need randos charging into my space and telling me I'm doing it wrong and judging me
I'm not on PRIVATE but I'm also quite forward about what I like. I'm tired of being told I'm whatever for liking what I like.
Just run a block chain on podcasts if you don't like what they say and leave us the hell alone.
Curate your space instead of coming into mine and insisting that we're attacking you or bothering you.
Just block us all. Really. Your martyr complex will go away and we'll all be happier for it.
There are plenty of spaces for all people in SW fandom. For women who aren't Reylos, there are spaces. But don't get offended that we have one and we're making it ours and talking about our experiences amongst ourselves.
I can only live rent-free in so many brains
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