The EASIEST way to make money online

(A Thread)

I posted a poll asking people why they aren't making money online and the #1 response was they don't know how so here it is.

I'll tell you EXACTLY how to make your first $$ online...
The internet connects you to over 7 billion potential customers, but in order to make money, you need to sell SOMETHING.

Your options:

1. Physical product
2. Digital product
3. Service

"BuT wHaT iF I dOn'T HaVe AnYtHiNg To SeLl?"

I'll tell you...
Just In case you say that you don't have anything to sell, I got you.

I'm going to tell you EXACTLY how and where to find something to sell, but before I do, I need you to do me a favor: Retweet the original tweet in this thread.

Once it gets 10 RTs I'll continue the thread.
You can follow @ThatKyleJohnson.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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