I remember one time I was talking on a panel about using safety tools in TTRPGs and getting a lot of push back from some older gamers. One example was shared about using an event in game which triggered a player since she had lost people in a similar, real-world event.
The GM and the player talked it over and the GM agreed not to use that kind of event in future and the game continued. Thus, the GM argued, safety tools are not necessary. I could NOT get them to see that safety tools would have saved this player from hurt in the first place.
I don't know if there's anything to take away from that encounter, other than that people will do significant mental gymnastics to keep doing things the way they've always done them, especially (I think) concerning things that have become intrinsic to people's personalities.
There's literally no downside to using safety tools. None at all. Heaps of up-sides, like more guidance for what players will find fun leading to better games, and zero downsides. Safety tools protect players AND drive better stories, but good luck convincing some folks of that.
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