LRT the squeenix ethics committee strikes again!!!!
For real though long skirts and dynamic bones are the absolute worst I'm surprised she even has a rendered pelvis.
Also someone tell me where to download an extracted FF7r tifa model so I can bake her horrible mutant normals onto FF7 Original Tifa 8D
Maybe this is common practice and I don't know but the oddest thing to me about this model is it as an entirely separate UV map for ambient occlusion
Every time someone rips a model they always save it with some weird as program no one actually uses so isntead of just loading up all the materials sensibly I gotta figure this stuff out from scratch
Liek what the fuck is the B texture?? It looks like some kind of mask but it doesn't mask anything in any way that seems sensible
I think it's a mask for a weird gradiant texture that I guess is just trying to add some depth to things alright yeah lets go with that.
cursed texture
*Eyes the 'inflate' brush and sweats nervously* why would the lord tempt me like this
Okay you can only make a rough estimate but given around equal torso size I declare the tiddy is about the same
If you think for a moment I didn't try and give tifa giant ass ridiculous boobs you're out of your god damned mind it just never looked all that great
I actually really love this model and how the textures are done and everything and it's really well balanced visually and just blowing stuff up ends up looking lame.
Also the models are surprisingly low poly, relatively speaking (despite things like eyelashes being physically modeled) so blowing her up like a balloon is cruise control for jagged poly city :D
OG Tifa is as many polys as this highlighted cluster of eyelashes
This isn't at all unusual but look at the difference between her head and her body in terms of poly density. 3/4ths of her polycount is in her face and it kinda shows
Okay subdivided her boobs a bit to get the sculpt tool to work better and like... is this what people want? Like big boobs are just big boobs. People have big boobs. Style can make big boobs extra super cool but just like cranking on boobs for the sake of boobs feels flat?
Like I'm all for games being visually horny like I fucking fought for Dragon's Crown's art style but like it's more important to match tone and style than to be horny. Big dumb video game boobs can give me THE SWEATS but right now this just feels like 'whatever'
KINDA but also not like you can totally do huge ol boobs without being super horny because people got big boobs. But the more games get realistic, the more it feels weird when they're kinda there as an afterthought.
Like sports bra tifa works out so well as a way of having a character actually dress in accordance to their body and activities it's really perfect.
Like I'm kinda sorry to rant about this since people actually haven't been complaining about this since the game actually came out but just playing around with this model kinda opened up that wound.
Also makes me think of something else that comes up. I'm not super in love with people being like "This character does this? They should look like this and have this kind of body bulk and--" when usually our bodies aren't perfectly optimal for the activities we want to do.
Like people will be like AH YES A LUMBERJACK, HIGH FUNCTIONAL MUSCLE, HIGH BODYFAT, BARREL CHESTED but it's also super easy to imagine a an old, skinny, kinda tall wirey old man lumberjack BECAUSE THOSE PEOPLE TOTALLY EXIST.
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