I hate, hate, HATE how people with power over you will try to manipulate you emotionally to either 1) try to get out of doing what's right or 2) make you feel bad for making them do what's right.

And I hate how I was socialized to feel guilty for asking for justice.

I am 43 years old. I am autistic with a side of rejection-sensitive dysphoria, was raised a Christian, and was lawful good most of my life, which made me easy to manipulate in this way.

I feel a burning shame knowing I have even slightly *inconvenienced* someone.

I'm only now realizing that one of the things I love about the Torah is its constant, relentless focus on justice.

I was raised thinking I had to please people, even at the cost of my own well-being. Torah reminds me that justice is not only required of every member of the community, it is *owed to* every member of the community.

Some Christians try to teach that kind of justice, but overall, the Christian focus on forgiving those who wrong us warps--or even replaces--our sense of justice.

I think this is why I love the parable of the relentless widow so much. And why I love older women who are all out of fucks in general.

Dear older women, out of fucks, thank you so much for showing the rest of us the way. đź–¤

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