Truer words have never been spoken
Sensitivity Training really works
People say Daenerys Targaryen was the strong powerful female character the world needed... little do they know It came over a decade earlier
Multi use for Provolone
If she’s from Brooklyn then
This is my reaction every time i open Facebook
Also Olivia Soprano is the worst tv character of all time. Excellent acting and character or whatever but HATE-ABILITY THROUGH THE ROOF
The government reacting to everyone’s stimulus #CoronavirusPandemic
Me explaining both religion and math
Rich teaches economics
When my mom knocks on the bathroom door after I’ve been in there for an hour
My plans 2020
Sopranos has been taken off amazon prime. I am distraught.
Let It go limp
I’ve said It once and I’ll always say It. I am a huge fan of Agent Harris and his relationship with Tony. Feat an iconic Paulie move.
When sopranos really tried to push the word “boarding” into every kids vocabulary
But also It inspired a lot of tennis players
Really makes you think
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