since everyone is sleeping, i am just going to talk about sex and why people feel it's overrated.

for me, the number one reason why people feel this way is porn. porn has sold a dream about sex a majority won't ever actualise. lol the expectations, the body difference...
between pornstars and real people. you expect the sex to be as cinematic as it is in the movies (Lmao).

another factor i think is responsible for that people aren't, imo, selfless in the sexual journey with their partners. boys, for instance, when younger might be selfish...
in the act and just want their own gratification. the ladies, on the other hand, are, in their young age probably still learning about their bodies (i am not a lady so i might be wrong here).

for me, there are different ways to get sexual gratification without penetration.
lol. you just have to be curious about your partner's body and try out so many things.

you guys could try the yoni massage on each other. sometimes I wonder why people think sex is all about intercourse.
sometimes i think of ways to satisfy my wife (i am not married, so i'd rather not think of it, lol).
i saw a tweet on godly relationships yesterday and i thought to myself "do these guys talk about sex? do they tell about sex and how they might be disappointed when they start having it after marriage in marriage counselling?"

i don't even know sef, lol.
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