I will be posting a series of long threads over the coming hours tonight

The first will be a breakdown of the #Tate allegations. I'm a domestic violence survivor who suspected she was full of it from early on

Stay tuned for around 8pm to start that thread
Ok folks, getting started here.

Let me begin by making it clear this is not something I'm doing lightly

I am a domestic violence survivor 3 times over with 2 of those relationships being almost as severely physically abusive as the one #TaraReade describes with Theodore Droner
Trigger warning big time for all that follows

This thread will contain details and evidence that paint a very disturbing and vivid picture of domestic violence and animal abuse, including some graphic photos

It is not for the faint of heart
My marriage was psychologically, verbally, emotionally, sexually and physically abusive, a very traditional power and control model domestic violence with the added layer of narcissistic abuse

Like the Tate character Tara Reade created my ex was a clinically diagnosed sociopath
These kinds of individuals represent around 1% of the population

They fit a very specific criteria & have a distinct criminal profile

I went in to this primed to believe Tara because I knew it was possible to have a relationship so bad it destroys your life & puts you in the 1%
I am pacing myself tonight because this is very difficult for me

I feel I need to do this but the memories are still fresh

This is a delicate topic and one that fills me with a lot of fear and dread

This, in fact, is the very thing that was my first big clue
Among the things that stuck out like a sore thumb to me is how glib, unconcerned, and even cocky she seemed about Tate

She described a narcissistic sociopath

She said she felt safe around him now

She was almost laughing at the idea of being concerned that the allegations...
Were out there, in such graphic detail, with her being on a national stage

Narcissist abusers are at their most dangerous when they suffer narcissistic injury- when their mask slips or is ripped off publicly

This is the stage you see narcissistic rage, and the smear campaign
Even when my tweets are protected and I talk about my abuse I feel my chest clench and my stomach churn

I have to struggle to find a way to write about these experiences in a way that doesn't make him come find me & kill me but also use the experience to help educate others...
It's a difficult balance to find

To have lived in the prison of domestic violence with a narcissistic sociopath has been described as a similar experience to being a prisoner of war

That is absolutely how I would describe it

That's how Tara was trying to describe it, I think
But the description she gave to me didn't ring true, her story sounded fake, like the lifetime movie version of a battered woman trying to save her child against a brutal batterer- a regular king bluebeard keeping her in the dungeon

You will notice a Shakespearean flair abounds
The reality of domestic violence at the hands of a one percentar like Tate is much different. The manipulations are more subtle, they play the long game. They rely on psychological manipulation & other forms of entrapment

The persona of Tate never matched the kind of abuser...
You would see for the kind of abuse she described

In other words, for us to accept this version of the story & characters, it means #TaraReade is once again a complete anomoly

She has a successful white male abuser with no criminal record, let's start there
This is unedited it's just a Beta read, but it describes how we meet, the circumstances, the power dynamics- I talk about the squalor of alcoholism that became the only way i could numb the pain of that existence

I wasn't the hero, or the victim, i was the human being reacting
I'm going to pause for a moment to provide some context for why a dismantling of these allegations are necessary beyond the fact that it's wrong to lie about such things

Tara has used her DV backstory to explain why she changed her name & identity, & her mysterious background
If her claims of being a victim of not just domestic violence but domestic violence so severe she had to require a name change are not true that leads us to question who she even is. Did she steal someone's identity? Was she really going in between safehouses?
Those are extraordinary claims and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence

That's the burden of proof

It is a fair one

As a survivor with extraordinary claims it's the standard I want

My grandfather was a Russian agent who tried to sell me into child trafficking
That is an extraordinary claim

It's an almost unbelievable story

It's also 100% true and can be definitively proven

I asked @RichMcHugh to vet it

I welcome that kind of thorough, comprehensive vetting because I want it to be proven & I know it can be

I know the truth flows
To go back to the profile of Tate- we have a clean cut professional with no criminal conviction

Tara describes not a careful covert narc or a power and control model abuser but a brutal, viscious kind of monster who shakes babies and kills animals in cold blood...
Do such men exist? Yes.

They are typically found in prison

They have antisocial personalities mixed with low impulse control

That is a different kind of criminal than a Tate

Batterers in general don't change, these kinds of batterers treat every partner like a punching bag
These antisocial low impulse control batterers would not have a pattern or profile like Theodore Droner

This is before I know anything about his side

I just knew it didn't fit, like it was a wrong puzzle piece

I think this is where the "he was a serial killer" story came in
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