So with Slack currently down so hard their website is spitting 503s, it seems an opportune time to attempt to attempt once again to use @MicrosoftTeams. Let's see how it goes!
I have an invite to a Teams space from a Microsoft person; this isn't something I'm doing by choice.

I have a temporary set of credentials emailed to me that I'll have to change. Yikes, that's a bit regressive but I can handle it.
The PDF on "how to get started" has a "click here" style link to Teams.

The link is of course not clickable.
"Use the webapp or download Teams for Mac!"

I'll live dangerously and click download.
Microsoft has demonstrated a newfound commitment to non-Windows operating systems.

The macOS installer is called "Teams_osx.pkg," referencing a name that Apple hasn't used for its desktop operating system for four years.
"Now that you've installed the webapp, go type your credentials in over there because we have no idea what a webhook might be."
"All logged in? Great. We're going to run full screen on your 5K display because we know what good UX is. Your system is set to Dark Mode? Go to hell, we're Microsoft." I'll miss my retinas. Yowza that's a lot of white.
You know you're lost when "open in Sharepoint" is used in any other context than an attack ad.
188 users in this thing and other than the moderator posting some files not a one of them has said anything approximating a "hello."

God this is depressing.
"Here's a QR code you can use to log in from the mobile app!"

Hahaha just kidding of course it doesn't work that way. It takes you to @MicrosoftTeams in the App store, then you get to log in manually again.
I'm looking at a "Post" which is different than a "Teams" channel with a bunch of people in it. There's a sidebar labeled "Chat" but that's just for private messaging.

There's an empty calendar for god alone knows what, and some Microsoftian icons of horror.
Now my computer is incredibly confused. I was given this Microsoft account for my use, but apparently I'm a beautiful corner case of a snowflake and have a pre-existing Microsoft account I use for my office suite.

Teams. Is. PISSED.
Because I'm a glutton for punishment, let's go one further. It's iPhone app time!

Of course it wants a username and password set all over again. I have no idea if MFA is an option; at the moment I'm just glad to be here, y'know?
I feel like somewhere a @MicrosoftTeams PM is sad because iOS / macOS share clipboards, so I don't have to go rooting around in 1password to sign in.

Sorry, I didn't mean to spoil your "fun."
…what on earth?
I see my manager has not scheduled me for a shift.

This is a normal thing to put in an app you’re kinda hoping people adopt outside of work.
There I fixed your website.
"Hey marketing, the code bloat and RAM usage on this app is UNREAL. How do we spin that into a positive?"

"I got you covered."
This concludes my experiment.

I leave humbled, and strangely concerned that maybe my "Amazon Chime has no customers" schtick isn't going to age so well after all...
I will now take questions and comments from the peanut gallery.

"It's better than Lync!" is possibly the best way to start an argument I've heard in years.
I'm totally on board for it. Anything that makes it harder to accidentally sign into Teams is okay in my book!
"You just need to play slap and tickle with your email address to get Teams to leave you alone" is uh... not a great workaround, as these things go.
My wife thinks our printer is shitty because she can't print to it from her corporate Windows laptop.

She is correct; the "shitty printer" can't hop VLANs onto the kill-it-with-fire network. Thank god.
This Team is full of Microsoft people. I think they're too scared to talk to me.
How do I hook this up to my IoT cat door?

"Your cat has left the building. Your cat has re-entered the building. Your cat has..."
I don't think punching down at interns is a great look, personally.
I don't buy it. This is "I used the product for five minutes" stuff. Any product person who hasn't gathered this from usability studies should probably find another line of work.
"Use Discord!" Oh yes, because my embarrassing video game username is exactly what I want to show to clients.

Along with my incredibly inappropriate avatar.
...what's about to upset me?
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