nsfw, unsanitary///

i have seen so much awful fucking four content in my time in the osc. i have seen fatfur four. i have seen four giving birth. i have seen four shitting and ejaculating at the same time. i have seen four pissing out of their tits.
i have seen four with nuts the size of themself. i have seen nonhumanized four with massive tiddies. i have seen four and x vagina transformation fetish. i have seen an entire multipage comic of four eating out someone's object oc and then voring them.
I have seen versions of four who look like they got into the krabby patty vault. i have seen four X tord eddsworld nsfw. i have seen a headcanon post about four having periods. I've seen more vore of four than i can count on two hands. i've seen four fart fetish.
on a not nsfw note,

cults and school sh**tings tws//

i have seen a four humanization inspired by cultists. I have seen a four amv to the song Pumped Up Kicks where the description mentioned they liked to imagine them as a school sh**ter.
at first this thread was actually meant to be funny haha cursed thread but then i just started getting angry about the things this fandom draws, ngl
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